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O. W. Márquez and González-Prelcic, N., An Interactive Software for a Hypertext Course in Wavelets, in IEEE Digital Signal Processing Workshop (DSP), Loen, Norway, 1996.
N. González-Prelcic and Márquez, O. W., Uvi_Wave, the Ultimate Toolbox for Wavelet Transforms and Filter Banks, in Baiona Workshop on Intelligent Methods in Signal Processing and Communication, Baiona, Spain, 1996.
O. W. Márquez, Balado, F., Vázquez, M., and Docampo, D., ArboX, a Contribution to Digital Library, in International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education (ICECE), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999.
F. Balado and Márquez, O. W., A Two-Stage Codebook Building Method Using Fast WAN, in International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), Venice, Italy, 1999, pp. 1047–1050.
O. W. Márquez, Balado, F., Vázquez, M., and Docampo, D., ArboX, a Contribution to Digital Library, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, vol. 8, pp. 216–220, 2000.