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C. Mosquera, Scalise, S., Taricco, G., and Giunta, D., Time-transfer performance in burst-mode communication systems, in International Workshop on Digital Signal Processing Techniques for Space Communications (DSP), 2001.
C. Mosquera, Scalise, S., Taricco, G., Garofalo, G., and Giunta, D., Time-transfer performance in burst-mode communication systems, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 19, pp. 2310-2319, 2001.
F. Balado, Pérez-González, F., and Scalise, S., Turbo Coding for Sample-Level Watermarking in the DCT Domain, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2001, pp. 1003–1006.
C. Mosquera, Scalise, S., and Taricco, G., Spectral characterization of feedback linear periodically time-varying systems, in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2002.
C. Mosquera, Scalise, S., and López-Valcarce, R., Symbol-Rate Estimation for DVB-S2 Broadcasting, in International Workshop on Signal Processing for Space Communications (SPSC), 2006.